• IEBCOPY is used to copy all or a part of PDs or PDSE. Basically Deals with PDS/PDSE

  • IEBCOPY can be used to copy selected members to another PDS or the same PDS/PDSE and / or renamed.

  • IEBCOPY can be used to copy PDS on a tape and vice versa. This may be used in case we need to backup the PDS.

  • IEBCOPY can be used to load a PDS to a SMS managed PDSE. We can also copy PDSE to a PDS, but the application information stored in the directory of the PDSE will be lost.

  • IEBCOPY can reblock load modules during copy operation.

  • IEBCOPY is used to "compress" a PDS when all ofits unused internal space has been exhausted. The compress operation reorganizes a PDS so that all previously unused space inside the PDS is reclaimed.

  Control Statements:

       Valid control statements are:

  • COPY





       Control statements are continued by placing a non-blank           character in column 72 and continuing  the statement beginning in column 16 on the next statement.

COPY statement:

Indicates beginning of a COPY operation.
Identifies the DD statements to be used for copy.


{label} COPY OUTDD=ddname,

label : Is the name given to the control statement.
OUTDD : This is the name of the Output PDS.
INDD : This is the name of the input PDS.

The LIST=NO keyword is optional and tells IEBCOPY that you don't want a list of the members in the PDS.

COPY can be abbreviated as 'C'
OUTDD can be abbreviated as 'O'
INDD can be abbreviated as 'I'.

R--> When copying from a sequential file or a PDS to another PDS, specify the 'R' parameter after the input DD name if you want ALL identically named members replaced on the output file.

Identically named members are only replaced on a copy operation if you request the REPLACE option on the COPY statement, or on the SELECT statement.


  1. Copy with replace:

{label} COPY OUTDD=O,INDD=((I,R))

  1. Copy without replace:

{label} C O=TAPE,I=DASD

  1. Compress in place: OUTDD and INDD should have same name for compression. Cannot use SELECT/EXCLUDE for this operation.


Select Statement:

Used to select the members to be used for copy operation.

SELECT statement should always be preceded by a COPY or COPYMOD operation.

SELECT and EXCLUDE are mutually exclusive.

SELECT cannot be used in a compress operation(when INDD and OUTDD are the same)

A SELECT member is only replaced in the output data set if the REPLACE option ('R')is set on the SELECT statement or on the INDD portion of the COPY statement.


  1. Copy selected member

{label} SELECT MEMBER = Name

  1. Copy a list of members:

{label} SELECT MEMBER=(name1,name2,name3)

  1. Copy the list of members and rename them

{label} SELECT MEMBER=((name1,newname1),(name2,newname2),..)

  1. Copy the list of members and replace them if they are already present in output dataset

{label} SELECT MEMBER=((name1,,R),(name2,,R),..)

Exclude Statement:

Used to exclude members from a copy operation.

Exclude statement must be preceded by a COPY or COPYMOD statement.

EXCLUDE and SELECT are mutually exclusive.

EXCLUDE cannot be used with compress Operation.

Format is same as SELECT:

{label} EXCLUDE MEMBER=(name1,name2,name3,...)

Example 1: Compression

 BC00       SM017R.TEST1.JCL(IEBCOPY1) - 01.00              Columns 00001 00072
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000100 //IEBCOPY1 JOB (EWDS),'IEBCOPY TEST',NOTIFY=&SYSUID                    
 000200 //JS10 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=1M                                      
 000300 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
 000400 //I1       DD DSN=SM017R.TEST.CTC,DISP=OLD --> Same name for INDD and OUTDD                            
 000500 //O1       DD DSN=SM017R.TEST.CTC,DISP=OLD                             
 000600 //SYSIN DD *                                                           
 000700 COMP1 C O=O1,I=((I1,R)) --> C-COPY,O-OUTDD,I-INDD,R-REPLACE                                               
 000800 /*                                                                     
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************                                           

Example 2: JCL to unload  a PDS to tape

BC00       SM017R.TEST1.JCL(IEBCOPY1) - 01.01              Columns 00001 00072
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000200 //JS10 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=1M                                      
000300 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
000400 //I1       DD DSN=SM017R.TEST.CTC,DISP=OLD                             
000500 //O1       DD DSN=SM017R.TEST.CTC.TAPE,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),        
000510 //            UNIT=VTSTAPE                                             
000600 //SYSIN DD *                                                           
000700 COMP1 C O=O1,I=((I1,R))                                                
000800 /*                                                                     
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

This is used to save the PDS to a tape for later use or to copy from one system to another.

Example 3: Just the copy 4 members from 1 PDS to another

BC00       SM017R.TEST1.JCL(IEBCOPY1) - 01.02              Columns 00001 00072
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000200 //JS10 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=1M                                      
000300 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
000400 //I1INPUT1 DD DSN=SM017R.TEST.CTC,DISP=OLD                             
000500 //O1OUTPUT DD DSN=SM017R.TEST.CTC1,DISP=SHR,  --> Output PDS should exist                         
000510 //            UNIT=SYSDA                                               
000600 //SYSIN DD *                                                           
000700 COMP1 COPY OUTDD=O1OUTPUT,INDD=((I1INPUT1,R))                          
000710 SEL1 SELECT MEMBER=(MLPTV015,MLPTV016)                                 
000800 /*                                                                     
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

   Menu  Functions  Confirm  Utilities  Help                                   
 BC00    DSLIST    SM017R.TEST.CTC1                          Row 00001 of 00002
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
            Name     Prompt       Size   Created          Changed          ID  
 _________ MLPTV015                 85  2011/12/29  2011/12/29 03:00:52  SM017R
 _________ MLPTV016                 63  2011/12/29  2011/12/29 02:57:49  SM017R
We can see that only the two members got copied to the new PDS.

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